
Dead Sea Scrolls
50" x 36"
Hand-made paper, copper wire, linen thread, copper and gold foil, sticks, water color, bark chips

Medicine Shawl
53" x 45"
Hand-knit shawl, feathers, magic wand, 2 skulls, dowel, dried grass, feathers, branches, stones

44" x 25"
Water based oil on canvas, oyster shells, birch bark, rusted metal circle, copper wire

Circle of Life
24" x 29"
Water color on paper, tissue paper collage, India ink, dried flowers

Book of Life
10" x 10½" x 7"
Construction paper, sticks, string, thread on wooden box

23½" x 57"
Oil on paper, copper wire, wood, plastic strips

Melville, a Biography
(Collection of the Melville Society)
24" x 36"
Water-based oil on canvas, four 2x4s, linen thread

Mother's Journey into the World of Light
18" x 24"
Water-based oil, photographs, antique picture frame, linen thread, paper