Life as Art
Once when someone asked what art meant to me, I immediately replied "Life." Ever since I can remember, I have used the visual arts not only as a way to communicate with others, but as a way to process the images located in my unconscious. According to the poet John Keats this endeavor is known as "soul making." With degrees in English Literature and Archetypal Psychology, I view art as a spiritual journey and my paintings, collages and constructions always have a spiritual meaning and ultimately express my soul's connection to the divine.
I generally begin a work of art by placing random colors or shapes on the chosen ground and then dialogue with these elements. A conversation ensues as I develop the work: layering transparent papers or paint in response to the images formed by the revealed shapes, colors or spaces. I work in this manner until I feel that the conversation is over. I agree with the artist Hans Hofmann, who says in his book, "Search for the Real", that "Art is Magic;" the whole process is mystical, totally encompassing and exciting; the results unexpected.